Specifying BSO and Member Dimension Properties

The Oracle Essbase Master Cube is an ASO Application, and the ASO dimensions and members are automatically read during deployment.

To include these BSO dimensions and members in the Essbase BSO database, a Generation1 member is required for each dimension to be deployed into Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management. The order of the dimensions in the master outline is determined by the order of the dimensions in the Profitability and Cost Management generated outline.

You must create UDAs for each of the dimensions and members listed on Table 3-3. For additional information about working with Essbase, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.


Do not assign multiple UDA's of the same type to a specific member in Essbase as this results in inconsistent behavior because the Profitability and Cost Management deployment does not know which UDA type to use. For example, do not assign both DIMTYPE_POV1 and DIMTYPE_POV2 to the same member.

See Table 3-3for the properties that require special UDAs that must be assigned manually to the application:


Because the BSO properties are assigned using a UDA, if a user inadvertently assigns incompatible BSO properties in the Essbase Master database, a subsequent "Deploy to Reporting Cube"operation within Profitability and Cost Management may fail. If this situation occurs, you can identify the incompatible assignments by manually loading the data and rules files that were generated by the Reporting database deploy.

Table 3-3 Dimension and Member Properties for Profitability and Cost Management

Property Label Property Name Description
Data Storage(BSO)
  • BSODimensionDataStorage (for dimension root member)

  • BSOMemberDataStorage (for dimension members)

For BSO Data Storage, assign one of the following UDAs to the Generation1 member of any child member:







When setting the UDA, if no value is assigned to the property BSO Data Storage, the Profitability and Cost Management deployment assumes the following default values are assigned:

  • Generation1 members are assigned "BSODS_LABELONLY", with the following exceptions:

    • POV Generation1 Members are set to "BSODS_STOREDATA"

    • Measures Generation1 Member is set to "BSODS_DYNCALC"

  • All other members are assigned "BSODS_STOREDATA"

Dimension Formula(BSO) BSODimensionFormula (for dimension root member) For the BSO Dimension Formula, the user cannot specify the BSO Dimension formula in the Essbase Master database, because that database has to be an ASO database (and therefore the formula attribute available in the master database is the ASO formula).

After deployment, to have the BSO formula display in the Essbase Reporting database, manually enter the BSO dimension formula directly into the Reporting database. The BSO formula will have to be reentered if you redeploy.

Use the appropriate BSO CALCULATOR syntax.

Dimension Sort Order DimensionSortOrder Enter the numeric value in the sequence to set the order of dimensions in the Essbase outline that is generated by Profitability and Cost Management.

For example, if this dimension is to be the second in the Essbase outline, enter "2."

Dimension Sort Order must be set for every dimension in the model, except Alias and UDA dimensions.

The dimension sort order must be sequential, unique, and greater than or equal to 1.

Dimension Storage Type DimensionStorageType The Dimension Storage Type property applies only to Block Storage (BSO) databases in Essbase.

By default, the value is set to "SPARSE".

If you require a DENSE setting, assign a UDA with the value "DIMSTORETYPE_DENSE" to the Generation1 member.

Member Formula(BSO) BSOMemberFormula For the BSO Member Formula, the user cannot specify the BSO member formula in the Essbase Master cube, because that database has to be an ASO database (and therefore, the formula attribute available in the Master Cube is the ASO formula).

After deployment, to have the BSO formula display in the Essbase Reporting database, manually enter the BSO dimension formula directly into the Reporting database. The BSO formula will have to be reentered if you redeploy.

Use the appropriate BSO CALCULATOR syntax.

Two Pass Calculation

(Dimensions Only)


(for dimension root member)

For BSO databases only, specify the BSO_TWOPASS to calculate a member on the second pass through the outline.

Two Pass Calculation

(Members Only)

BSO_TWOPASS For BSO databases only, specify the BSO_TWOPASS to calculate a member on the second pass through the outline.