Deploying the Calculation Database

The options on the Calculation Database tab apply only to the calculation database. A Calculation database is created using the Oracle Essbase Block Storage option (BSO) to create the metadata outline.


  • Reporting cube deployment fails when a generic dimension is associated with a dynamic hierarchy type. An ASO cube cannot have attribute dimensions associated with dynamic generic dimensions.

  • Oracle recommends that, before importing data or artifacts, you create a backup of the data in Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace and Essbase. Contact the administrator for assistance.

For the first deployment of a database, you should select the Replace Database option to create the database in its entirety. After the first deployment, when you need to redeploy the calculation database, you can select deployment options to retain or restore the existing artifacts and property setting in the new database.

The following artifacts may be retained:

  • Essbase data

  • System-generated and user-created calculation scripts

  • Report scripts

  • Substitution variables

  • Rules Files

  • Security Filters

  • Database settings

For the Calculation database only, data may be exported using one of these formats:

  • If there is at least one dense dimension with less than 1,000 dimension members, data is exported in a column format and a rule file is generated. The Rules file is generated after the new outline is created.

    This Rules File specifies the format of the data for Essbase. The file is located in the same folder as the Essbase Database Application folder that contains the exported data. The file name is formatted as follows:

    RMMddxxx.rul or RMMddxxx.txt

    where MM is the current month, dd is the current day of the month, and xxx is a generated unique identifier. The file name with the extension .rul contains the rule file, and the file name with the extension .txt contains the data file.

  • If there is no dense dimension with less than 1,000 dimension members, data is exported in a flat file.

Before redeploying, the system analyzes the dimensions and generates a message advising which export option will be used. Any errors in the deployment are reported in hpcm.log.

To deploy calculation databases:

  1. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Calculate, and then Manage Database.

    The Calculation Database tab of the Manage Database screen is displayed.

    Use the Calculation Database tab of the Manage Database screen to deploy the calculation database.
  2. Under Essbase Information, review the following information:
    • Cluster displays the name of the Essbase database server that contains the model.

    • Calculation Application displays the name of the application being deployed.

    • Calculation Database displays the name of the Essbase database to which the application is being deployed.

  3. Under Deploy Options, select the Database Options for deploying the calculation database:
    • For the first deployment of a database, all selections are grayed out. This option creates the entire database for the first time.

    • To redeploy an existing database, select Update Database to retain existing artifacts and property settings in the new database, and change the outline to reflect current metadata.

    • For subsequent deployments, select Replace Database to remove the database and applications completely, and recreate them.

  4. Under Deploy Options, select the Data Options to be used for the calculation database deployment:
    • Select Archive Data Before Deploy to export existing data to the application database folder. For the Calculation database, only level-0 data is exported. Data is exported in a column format only if a dense dimension with fewer than 1,000 members exists; otherwise, the data is exported in native format.

    • Select Archive Data and Reload After Deploy to automatically import the data back into Essbase, using the previously exported data files. A Rules File is generated if the data was exported in the column format when the new outline is created.

      This option is available only if no dimensions are being added or removed. Dimensions can be added or removed in the Profitability Applications Console, or by adding, deleting, or changing a stage in Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management.

      After deleting dimension members, the Archive Data and Reload After Deploy option for redeploying the cube to Essbase and preserving the data is not guaranteed to always work, depending on how Essbase is able to deal with those deleted members. As a workaround, you may have to export all data and remove the data for the deleted members and then reload the data in a separate step after deploying the cube without the Archive Data and Reload After Deploy option selected.

    • Optional: If Archive Data and Reload After Deploy was chosen, you can select Delete Data Archive After Reload to automatically delete the archived data only after the successful data reload.

  5. Optional: Under Last Calculation Cube Deployment, review the date and time of the previous deployment.
  6. Optional: Click Deploy Later to schedule a convenient date and time to run the deployment. See Scheduling Task Flows.

    If this option is not selected when the task is created, you will not be able to schedule the task.

  7. Optional: Click Deploy Now to deploy the Calculation database immediately.

    A confirmation message is displayed, indicating that the job has started and identifying the assigned taskflow ID.

    Depending on the size and complexity of the model, this operation may take a significant amount of time.

  8. Monitor the progress of the deployment on the Status Page using the taskflow ID, as described in Monitoring Standard Profitability Job Status.
  9. If the Replace Database option was chosen, or the data import failed for some reason, after deployment, load data from the Essbase database to ensure that the calculations are not run on an empty data set.

    You can load input level cost, revenue, and driver data in two ways:

    • Load data directly into the application through the Data Entry window, under Manage Allocations. See Editing Driver Data.

    • Load data into Essbase using Essbase data load techniques. See the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

  10. Calculate the model.