Standard Profitability Cost Layer Allocation Measures

Cost Layer Allocation Measures are used to control the direct allocation of calculated and input costs.

Table A-4 Cost Layer Allocation Measures

Member Name Alias Description Calculated or Input
UnassignedCost UnAsgCost Remainder of cost at a source intersection after all assignment and idle calculations have been completed. Calculated
CostAssigned CostAsg Total cost assigned from a source to post-stage destinations and non-reciprocal intrastage destinations Calculated
CostAssigned IntraStage CostAsgInt Sum of costs assigned to intrastage destinations, excluding reciprocal destinations Calculated
CostAssigned PostStage CostAsgPost Sum of costs assigned to post-stage destinations Calculated
OverDrivenCost OverDrivenCost For a standard basis driver, if the total cost assigned is greater than the NetCostForAssignment, the overage amount is posted to OverDrivenCost. Calculated
IdleCost IdleCost Depending on the driver type, idle cost is generated differently:
  • For actual basis drivers, idle cost is generated using the allocation formula: IdleDriverValue/ OverrideTotalDriverValue

  • For standard basis drivers, idle cost is generated if the total cost assigned is less than NetCostForAssignment.

NetCostFor Assignment NetCostAsg Total cost available for assignment after accounting for all prior stage, intrastage, and reciprocal assignments.

Set the DataStorage (BSO) property to StoreData.

GrossReceivedCost GrRecCost Sum of all costs assigned from prior stages and intrastage assignments, excluding reciprocals and user input costs

Set the DataStorage (BSO) property to StoreData.

StandardCostRate StandardCostRate For a Standard Basis driver, the user assigns a standard cost rate, and enters that value for use in calculations for the standard basis cost driver, as follows: CostReceivedPriorStage =StandardCostRate * TotalDriverValue Input
CostInput CostInput User-entered cost value for the intersection Input
CostReceived CostRec Sum of all costs assigned to an intersection by prior stage and intrastage assignments, excluding costs resulting from reciprocal assignments

Set the DataStorage (BSO) property to StoreData.

CostReceived PriorStage CostRecPri Sum of costs received on assignments from a prior stage Calculated
CostReceived IntraStage CostRecInt Sum of all costs received on intrastage assignments, excluding reciprocal assignments Calculated
NetReciprocalCost NetRcpCost Net effect of a reciprocal assignment on the amount available for assignment to post-stage and non-reciprocal intrastage destinations

Set the DataStorage (BSO) property to StoreData.

ReciprocalCost Assigned RcpCostAsg Total cost assigned to reciprocal destination, excluding costs received from the reciprocal Calculated
ReciprocalCost Received RcpCostRec Total cost received from a reciprocal destination Calculated
Reciprocal IntermediateCost RcpIntCost Intermediate value calculated for an intersection after simultaneous equations have been applied, but before reciprocal adjustments have been made Calculated
CostPerDrvUnit Cost Per Driver Unit This measure is a child of AllocationMeasures.

The formula uses the assigned cost (CostAssigned) divided by the sum of all driver values (TotalDriverValue) to calculate the cost for each unit of driver value.

UnitCost Unit Cost. This measure is a child of AllocationMeasures.

The formula uses the amount of cost at a source intersection (NetCostForAssignment) divided by a user-input quantity to calculate the cost per unit.
