Standard Profitability Measures Dimension

The Measures dimension is imported from the Profitability Applications Console.

It contains the members required to build, validate, and calculate a model. The members store the data that is used for the allocation process. There are separate measures for Cost and Revenue data.

While the standard Measures dimensions are predefined, users may add any user-defined driver measures to the hierarchy under the member 'UserDefinedDriverMeasures'.


Do not edit the system members in this dimension, as this may result in the loss of data or the corruption of the model.

The Measures dimension contains members that store the different types of data for business dimension members that are required for the allocation process:

  • Driver Measures—Store values used as parameters in driver formulas, such as Quantity and Rate. There are ten predefined driver measures. You can also add an unlimited number of user-defined driver measures, but these driver measures must be unique in the Oracle Essbase outline.

    To view the members included in the Driver Measures dimension, see Standard Profitability Driver Measures.

  • Reporting Measures—Designed for ease-of-use in report creation. Reporting measures form alternate hierarchies in the Measures dimensions. Reporting can be done on any measure.

    To view the members included in the Reporting Measures dimension, see Standard Profitability Reporting Measures

    For information on alternate hierarchies in Essbase, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

  • Allocation Measures—System-defined measures that store the cost and revenue inputs from upstream model stages or from data loads and are used to control allocation of calculated and input costs for both costs and revenue.


    The allocation measures in the Measures dimension should not be confused with the DirectAllocation and GenealogyAllocation measures in the AllocationType Dimension, described in Standard Profitability AllocationType Dimensions.

    There are separate allocation measures for the Cost Layer Allocation and Revenue Layer Allocation. To view the members included in the Cost Layer and Revenue Layer Allocation Measures dimensions, see Standard Profitability Cost Layer Allocation Measures and Standard Profitability Revenue Layer Allocation Measures.