Standard Profitability Reporting Measures

Reporting Measures are used to generate reports, using the calculated and input values to generate total costs and revenue for the model. All the non-level-0 reporting measures are calculated.

Table A-3 Reporting Measures

Member Name Alias Description Calculated or Input
GrossCost GrossCost Total cost for an intersection, including all possible inputs:
  • Input values

  • Prior stage assignments

  • Intrastage assignments including reciprocals

This calculation represents the true total cost of the intersection.

StandardCost   For Standard Basis driver, the calculated cost of StandardCostRate * TotalDriverValue Calculated
StandardRevenue   For Standard Basis driver, the calculated revenue of StandardRevenueRate * TotalDriverValue Calculated
InitialCost InitialCost Cost of an intersection before intrastage or reciprocal costs are calculated, including input costs and cost received on assignments from prior stages. Calculated
NetCostAfter IntraStage NetCostAftInt Cost of an intersection, including all intrastage cost assignments Calculated
GrossRevenue GrossRev Total revenue for an intersection, including all possible inputs:
  • Input values

  • Prior stage assignments

  • Intrastage assignments including reciprocals.

This calculation represents the true total revenue for the intersection.

InitialRevenue InitialRev Revenue for an intersection before intrastage or reciprocal revenue is calculated, including input revenue, and revenue received on assignments from prior stages. Calculated
NetRevenueAfterIntraStage NetRevAftInt Revenue for an intersection after accounting for all types of intrastage revenue assignments Calculated
Profit Profit Value of the calculated profit for the selected intersection. This value is the result of the calculation: NetRevenueForAssignment — NetCostForAssignment Calculated