Registering Detailed Profitability Model Data

Detailed Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management enables you to use the existing database tables as data sources in the application, rather than having to enter data to create a brand new application.

To effectively use the existing tables, you must map them to the Detailed Profitability and Cost Management application through the Model Data Registration process. You can register a database table or view for use within the application, or edit or delete an existing registration.


Oracle recommends that Model Data Registration be completed by an experienced Database Administrator or System Administrator who is familiar with database concepts, and who has a working knowledge of the client's model data.

A Detailed Profitability model contains only two stages. The first step required in registering tables is to select a measure dimension for the Source and Destination stages. Only regular or generic Business dimensions can be used as the Source Measures Dimension or the Destination Measures Dimension for the application. You may use the same measures dimension for both the source and destination stages, or you may use a different measures dimension for each stage, depending on the structure of the business data.

  • All registered source stage tables and their joined lookup tables use the Source measures dimension.

  • All registered destination stage tables and their joined lookup tables use the Destination measures dimension.

You can also register views that have been created in the model data schema:

  • Source Stage Tables and Lookup Tables for any view can be registered

  • Destination Stage Tables can only register simple updatable views with no joins.


Although the tables referenced by the view may reside in any schema, you must issue the necessary database grants from each table that you want to register to the Profitability and Cost Management product schema. See the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Administrator's Guide.

Using Model Data Registration, you identify the tables that will be assigned to the source and destination stages, and you map columns on those tables to the measures and dimensions that you defined for the application in the Profitability Applications Console. As you register each column, you assign it to one of these types:

  • Managed POV Dimensions - Managed through the Profitability Applications Console

  • Managed Dimensions - Managed through the Profitability Applications Console. These are the business dimensions..

  • Unmanaged Dimension – Dimensions that are not managed in the Profitability Applications Console, but that exist in the selected Model Data Schema.

  • Measures - Members of the selected Source and Destination Measures Dimensions

  • Audit Columns:

    • Audit: Last Modified By

    • Audit: Last Modified Date

Managed dimensions and managed POV dimensions can be mapped directly. The unmanaged dimensions are dimensions such as IDs, dates, audit information, and very large dimensions that are required for allocations, but are not managed by the Profitability Applications Console. They must also be mapped so they are identified by the system. You can access these columns within data filters in destination assignment rules.

Lookup tables can be joined to the source or destination stage tables to make a logical "stage business object" that is expanded to include measure and dimension columns or values that are not available directly on the main stage table. The Profitability and Cost Management Administrator should set up these join definitions in Model Data Registration.

See the following sections: