Calculating Management Ledger Models

After deploying the database, you can calculate the model.


Before calculating a model, ensure that cost and revenue data have been loaded into Oracle Essbase. Otherwise, the calculation uses an empty data set.

The global context, rule sets, and calculation rules in Management Ledger applications are specific to a single point of view (POV). This means that a rule set or rule of the same name may exist in multiple POVs but each of the instances of that rule set or rule is a unique artifact and may have a unique definition. Running a calculation rule for a specific POV executes the definition of that rule set or calculation rule as it exists in that POV.

The Manage Calculation screen (Figure 12-3) is used to run calculations for all or part of the entire set of calculation rules for a single POV.

To clear or calculate Management Ledger data:

  1. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Calculate, and then Manage Calculation.

    Figure 12-3 The Management Ledger Manage Calculation Screen

    This screen is used to determine how Management Ledger models are calculated.
  2. In the Manage Calculation screen, enter the POV information to calculate, such as Year, Period, and Scenario.
  3. Optional: Enter a Job Comment to display on the Job Library screen.
  4. Optional: In the Processing Options group, select one or more actions to perform:
    • Clear Calculated Data to clear all cells that could be updated by the rules in the Processing Range options (selected by default)

    • Execute Calculation to run the calculation rules specified in the Processing Range options (selected by default)

    • Capture Essbase Debug Scripts to store engine-generated scripts for each allocation or custom calculation rule included in a calculation (see "About Calculation (Calc) Scripts," later in this topic.


      Capture Essbase Debug Scripts is intended for troubleshooting purposes and can increase processing overhead. Avoid selecting this setting without an appropriate reason to do so.

      If Capture Essbase Debug Scripts is selected, the Job Details list indicates that on the Job Library screen.

      While calculating parallel rule sets (with a Calculation Threads preference value greater than 1) and with Capture Essbase Debug Scripts option selected, some of the rule executions can get skipped without any errors or warnings reported. To avoid this problem, if you need to capture Essbase debug scripts, you can temporarily change the Calculation Threads application preference to 1.

  5. In the Processing Range group, indicate which rules to run:
    • All Rules—Runs all enabled rules defined for the selected POV.

    • Specify Rule Set Range—Runs all enabled rules in the rule set range defined by the First Rule Set Sequence Number text box and the Last Rule Set Sequence Number text box, inclusive.

    • Run Single Rule—Runs a single rule as selected in the Rule Set Name and Rule Name lists.

  6. Click Run Now to run the calculations or clear data immediately. A confirmation message indicates that the job has started, and identifies the assigned taskflow ID.


    Depending on the size and complexity of a model, this operation may take a significant amount of time.

  7. Monitor the progress of the deployment using the taskflow ID in the Job Library screen.

Example 12-2 About Debug Scripts

Engine-generated scripts detail all the calculations required for each rule, one .txt file for each rule.

Scripts are generated in the $ARBORPATH/app/<application name>/<database name> directory, on the computer where the configured Essbase server is running, for example:

C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseServer\ essbaseserver1\app\BksML12C\BksML12C

If required, administrators can view scripts on the Essbase console.

The file name format for scripts is P+XX+RuleMemberName.txt, where:

  • P = POV

  • XX = last two digits of the selected POV member group ID

  • RuleMemberName = Unique rule member name assigned to the poarticular rule

    For example, a generated script may be named P99R0001.txt.

Each script file has a header with the following information:

  • Application name

  • POV

  • Rule set name

  • Rule name

  • Rule sequence

  • Number of iterations