Loading Data into Essbase

Administrators and other users with appropriate provisioning can now load data into Oracle Essbase without using Oracle Essbase Administration Services. Files to load typically contain input data such as amounts to be allocated and driver information. You can also load rule files that tell Essbase how to handle data-source values that are loaded into Essbase databases.

The formats of files to load are the same as for Administration Services console:

  • Text File data object(.txt) — IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_TEXT

  • Excel worksheet File data object(.xls) — IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_EXCEL

  • Rules File object(.rul) — IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_RULES

For information about creating these files, see Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help, currently available at https://docs.oracle.com/en/ (on the Applications - EPM tab, select documentation for the latest version, and then select the Essbase tab).

To load data into Essbase using Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management:

  1. In an open Management Ledger model, from Task Areas, select Calculate, and then Manage Database. Click the Data Load tab.

    The Data Load screen is displayed (Figure 12-1).

    Figure 12-2 Management Ledger Data Load Screen

    The Management Ledger Data Load screen displays the information described in the following steps.
  2. Indicate how to handle the data load:
    • Optional: Select Clear Database Before Load to clear all data in the active cube of the application. To retain existing data, do not select this setting.

    • Select whether to Add to Existing Values or Overwrite Existing Values.

  3. Optional: If there is a Global Rule File, browse to select it.
  4. In the Load Files area, select files to load. Use the Actions menu or the buttons to perform the following tasks:
    • Add Row or + button — Displays Browse buttons so you can select a data file or rule file to load

    • Delete Row or X button — Removes the selected row from the table of files to load


    You can use the View menu to show, hide, and reorder columns in the table and detach the table to float it in a separate window.

  5. When files are selected, click Load to copy the files to the OLAP server and load data from the files into Essbase.

    You can select Job Library in the Job Status area to track the progress of the load.

Example 12-1 Notes

At least the first error for each file in the load is logged to hpcm.log and displayed in the Job Library. Where possible, multiple errors per file are logged. The error describes which column is wrong and in which record. An error is logged if the outline is empty or the loaded file is empty, locked, exceeds size limits (2 GB for data files, 64 KB for rule files), or if the data file contains an error. Files must be either text files or Microsoft Excel files. File names must not exceed eight characters and should not contain spaces or certain characters (including ,=.+;[]).

To load Microsoft Excel files properly with a rule file, a single quote must appear before the name of a numeric dimension member (such as '2013). Microsoft Excel data source files must not contain formatting; set color to "Automatic" and "No Fill" and remove font settings such as bold and italic.