Launching Business Rules With a Utility

Using the CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd utility, administrators can launch—from the Command Prompt—business rules created with Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager.


  • Use the /Validate option to check the command syntax before you launch the business rule.

  • If the launched business rule has a runtime prompt, before running CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd, create a file containing the runtime prompt values. You can either manually create an ASCII file that contains the runtime prompt values, or you can automatically generate the values file by selecting the Create Runtime Prompt Values File option on the Runtime Prompts page.

To launch a business rule with CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd:

  1. When launching a business rule having runtime prompts, generate a file containing the runtime prompt values by either:
    • Specifying the name of the runtime prompt values file that you generated on the Runtime Prompts page (see the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide).

    • Creating a runtime prompt ASCII file that contains, on separate lines, each runtime prompt name and its value, separated by a double colon (::). For example:



      This file specifies that the value for the runtime prompt named CopyDataFrom is Jan, and that the value for the runtime prompt named CopyDataTo is Apr.

      Save the file in the planning1 directory (for the full path to planning1, see About EPM Oracle Instance). Alternately, when executing the utility, specify the full path to the runtime prompt file.

  2. From the planning1 directory, enter this command at the Command Prompt, one space, and the parameters, each separated by a space:

    CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd [-f:passwordFile] /A:appname /U:username /D:database [/R:business rule name] /F:runtime prompts file [/validate]

    Table 6-15 CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher Parameters

    Parameter Purpose Required?


    If an encrypted password file is set up, you can use this option as the first parameter in the command line to run the utility with the full file path and name specified in passwordFile. See Suppressing Password Prompts in Planning Utilities.



    Specify the Oracle Hyperion Planning

    application from which the business rule is launched


    /U:username Specify the administrator's user name


    /D:database Specify the name of the plan type against which the calculation is launched


    [/R:business rule name ] Specify the name of the business rule to be launched


    /F:runtime prompts file Specify the name of the file containing business rule's runtime prompt names and values

    Yes, when launching a business rule having a runtime prompt.


    Checks the command syntax only; does not launch the business rule. Any errors are displayed on the console and written to the Calculation Manager log file. If the file is in the Classpath, the log file is generated in the EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/planning directory.


    /? Print the syntax and options for CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd


    For example to launch the rule named Depreciate, using runtime prompt values in a file called Values.txt, enter:

    CalcMgrCmdLineLauncher.cmd /A:planapp /U:admin /D:plan1 /R:Depreciate /F:Values.xml

  3. If prompted, enter your password.