Sorting Members Using a Utility

You can use the Oracle Hyperion Planning Sort Member utility to sort dimension members. SortMember.cmd is similar to sorting on the Dimensions tab in Planning. You can sort Entity, Account, Scenario, Versions, and user-defined custom dimensions. You cannot sort Period, Years, or Currency dimension members. The utility is useful for sorting dimension members after loading members into Planning. The SortMember.cmd utility uses a command line interface. Only administrators can run it.

To launch the SortMember.cmd utility:

  1. From the planning1 directory on the server where Planning is installed, enter this syntax:

    SortMember [-f:passwordFile] servername username application member children|descendants ascend|descend

    For the full path to the planning1 directory, see About EPM Oracle Instance.

    Table 12-14 SortMember Utility Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Optional: If an encrypted password file is set up, use as the first parameter in the command line to read the password from the full file path and name specified in passwordFile. See Suppressing Password Prompts in Planning Utilities.


    The server name where the Planning application resides


    The name of the Planning administrator


    The name of the Planning application containing the dimension members to sort


    The parent member whose children or descendants to sort


    Whether to sort by children or descendants: sorting by children affects only members in the level immediately below the specified member; sorting by descendants affects all descendants of the specified member


    Whether to sort by ascending order or by descending order

    For example:

    SortMember localhost admin BUDGET account200 descendants ascend

  2. If prompted, enter your password.

If the application server or RMI service is running when the SortMember utility is launched, you might see some java.rmi or "Port already in use" errors. They do not affect the functionality of this utility.