Using the MaintenanceMode Utility to Limit Application Access

Administrators can use the utility MaintenanceMode.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) to temporarily withdraw access to applications during maintenance.

To use the MaintenanceMode utility:

  1. At the command line, navigate to the planning1 directory.

    For the full path to planning1, see About EPM Oracle Instance.

  2. Enter this command, one space, and the parameters, each separated by a space:
    MaintenanceMode [-f:passwordFile], /A=app, /U=user, /P=password, 
    /LL=loginLevel [ALL_USERS|ADMINISTRATORS|OWNER], [/DEBUG=[true|false]], 

    Table 10-2 MaintenanceMode Utility Parameters

    Parameter Description Required?
    [-f:passwordFile] Optional: If an encrypted password file is set up, use as the first parameter in the command line to read the password from the full file path and name specified in passwordFile. See Suppressing Password Prompts in Planning Utilities. No
    /A=app Application name Yes
    /U=user Name of the administrator executing the utility Yes
    /P=password The administrator’s password Yes
    /LL=loginLevel [ALL_USERS|ADMINISTRATORS|OWNER] Specify which users the utility affects:

    ALL_USERS - All users can log on or continue working with the application.

    ADMINISTRATORS - Only other administrators can log on. Other users are forced off and prevented from logging on until the parameter is reset to ALL_USERS.

    OWNER - Only the application owner can log on. All other users are prevented from logging on. If they are currently logged on, they are forced off the system until the option is reset to ALL_USERS or ADMINISTRATORS. Only the application owner can restrict other administrators from using the application.

    /DEBUG=[true|false] Specify whether to run the utility in debug mode. The default is false. No
    /HELP=Y View the utility syntax online. No

    For example, on a Windows system, to force all users except administrators off an application named "planapp", enter:

    MaintenanceMode.cmd /A=planapp, /U=admin, /P=password,