Converting Ad Hoc Worksheets to Multiple-Grid Worksheets

Cloud data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data source types: Oracle Essbase

To convert an existing ad hoc worksheet to a worksheet that supports multiple grids:

  1. From any location in the worksheet, select a range of cells.

    You must select a range rather than only one cell.

  2. From the Smart View Panel, right click the application, and then select Ad hoc analysis.

    The sheet already contained a grid, so the following dialog is displayed:

    Dialog for instructing Smart View how to handle a sheet that already contains a grid. Options are: Clear sheet contents and POV, Reuse sheet contents only, Reuse sheet contents and POV, and Use sheet for multiple grid ad hoc.

    Available options are:

    • Clear sheet contents and POV

    • Reuse sheet contents only to reuse sheet contents only. In this case, the sheet content is converted to free-form and the existing POV will be lost.

    • Reuse sheet contents and POV. Use this option if the POV of the new ad hoc connection or Smart Slice is consistent with the existing contents.

    • Use sheet for multiple grid ad hoc to convert the sheet to one that supports multiple range-based grids, retaining any existing ad hoc grid on the sheet.

  3. In the dialog, select Use sheet for multiple grid ad hoc.

    The second grid is added to the worksheet. The sheet now supports multiple grids.

  4. Optional: Repeat step 1 and step 2 to add more grids to the sheet.