Creating Multiple-Grid Worksheets

Cloud data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data source types: Oracle Essbase

To create a multiple-grid worksheet:

  1. In Excel, connect to an Essbase data source.
  2. From any location in the worksheet, select a range of cells.

    You must select a range rather than only one cell.

  3. From the Smart View Panel, right-click an application, and then select Ad Hoc Analysis.


    Multiple-grid worksheets are not supported for Smart Slices.

  4. When prompted to change the worksheet to support multiple grids, select Yes.


    If you started with an ordinary single-grid worksheet, and want to add other grids to the sheet, see Converting Ad Hoc Worksheets to Multiple-Grid Worksheets.

  5. To create another grid on the worksheet:
    1. Select a different range of cells.
    2. From the Smart View Panel, right click an application, and then select Ad Hoc Analysis.
  6. Repeat step step 5 as necessary to add grids to the worksheet.


    Starting in Oracle Smart View for Office, the creation of multiple-grid worksheets using refresh is no longer supported.