Adding Doclets to Report Package Structures

You can add doclets to report package structures in the Report Center in Oracle Smart View for Office. In Word-, PowerPoint-, and PDF-based report packages, you can add doclets, supplemental doclets, and reference doclets.

For Word documents, you can add an entire Word file. Or, you can add a selected portion of text in an open Word document. The selected portion becomes the new doclet.

To add a doclet to a report package structure:

  1. Open the Office application that corresponds to the Office document type that you will be working with.

    For example,

    • To add a Word document as a regular doclet in a report package, then open Word.

    • To add an Excel workbook as a regular doclet in a PDF-based report package, then open Excel.

    • To add a table of contents, or TOC-type doclet, to a PDF- or Word-based report package, then open Word.

    • To add an Excel workbook as a supplemental doclet in a report package, then open Excel.

  2. Connect to Narrative Reporting and open a report package, as described in Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

    The report package may already contain doclets of any type, or may be empty.

  3. Open the Office document to add to the report package structure.

    You may open a saved Office document, or you may be working on a new Office document that has not yet been saved.


    You can only add documents of the Office Open XML format type .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx.

  4. Optional for Word doclets only: To create a doclet from a portion of text within a Word document, select that text.
  5. In the Report Center panel, perform an action:
    • Select the doclet in the report package structure before which the new doclet will be inserted.

      The doclet will be inserted before the doclet that you select.

    • Select the section folder into which the new doclet will be added.

      The doclet will be added as the last file in the section folder.

    • Navigate into a section folder and select the doclet before which the new doclet will be inserted.

    • If there are no doclets yet in the report package, click root in the Report Center panel.

      If there are doclets in the report package, and you click root, then the doclet will be added as the last doclet in the report package.

  6. In the Action Panel, click the Add Doclet link and in Add Doclet to Report Package, complete the following:
    • Name—Required. You can accept the file name as the doclet name or enter a new name. This is the name that will appear in the report package. Doclet names are limited to 80 characters.

    • Type—Required. Select a doclet type from the available options. The options available depend on the report package type. For example, in a Word-based report package, if you are adding a Word doclet, the available types are Regular and Supplemental; for an Excel doclet in a PDF-based report package, the available types are Regular, Supplemental and Reference.

    • Table of Content Doclet—Optional. Applies to Word documents in Word- and PDF-based report packages only. Select this check box if you plan to use the currently-opened Word document as a table of contents for the report package.

    • Description—Optional. Enter a doclet description.

    • Exclude from Author Phase—The state of the option (enabled or disabled) depends on whether an author phase has been defined for the report package.

      These are the possible actions:

      If the check box is disabled, then an author phase is not defined for the report package. No action is required.

      If the check box is enabled, then an author phase is defined for the report package. Take an action:

      • Select this check box to exclude the doclet from the author phase, and then continue to step 8.

      • Clear the check box to assign authors to this doclet. Clearing the check box should automatically take you to the Authors tab of the dialog. Continue to the next step to add authors to this doclet.

      This is the dialog with the check box enabled and cleared:

      Add Doclet to Report Package dialog box.
    • All Sheets Included—Optional. Enabled and selected by default when adding an Excel workbook as a regular doclet to a PDF-based report package. Clearing the check box should automatically take you to the Selected Sheets tab of the dialog, where all sheets in the workbook are listed. Select the check box next to the sheets that you want to include in the report package.

      Shows the General tab of the Add Doclet to Report Package dialog, with the All Sheets Included option cleared in the background, and in the foreground the Selected Sheets tab of the Add Doclet to Report Package dialog, where each worksheet is listed with a check box next to its name for selecting specific worksheets to include in the report package.

      If you're adding authors to this doclet, then continue to the next step. If you're not adding authors to this doclet, then proceed to step 8

      Note that only worksheets and chart sheets are valid choices for inclusion in a report package. Hidden sheets, macro sheets, and dialog sheets are not valid choices for sheet selection. A message notifies you if a workbook contains only these sheets.

  7. To add authors to this doclet:
    1. In the Authors tab, click Assign Authors to launch the Select Users dialog box.
    2. Select authors in the left pane of the dialog, and click the right arrow to move them to right pane.

      Optional: To search for users, type a user name in the search field and click Find button. You can also click the arrow on Find button and use the filter options to narrow the search.

      Filter options Start, Contains, and Ends, for the Find button in the Select User's dialog box.

    3. After you've selected and moved all required authors to the right pane, click OK in the Select Users dialog box.

      Select Users dialog box showing selected users at the right.

      The user selections are now shown in the Authors tab of Add Doclet to Report Package dialog:

      Add Doclet to Report Package dialog, Authors tab now showing the authors assigned to the doclet

      You can click the Assign Authors button again to make further changes to the author assignments.

  8. Click Add to add the doclet to the report package structure.
  9. At the prompt, click Yes to open the new to doclet for editing; otherwise, click No.

    Whether you click Yes or No, the doclet is added to the report package.


    If you click Yes at the prompt, then to edit the doclet, check it out.