Creating Report Package Structures from a File

Use Smart View to create an Narrative Reporting report package structure from a Word or PDF file.


Before you begin, launch Oracle Smart View for Office and log in to Narrative Reporting.

To create a report package structure from a Word or PDF file:
  1. In Narrative Reporting Home, select New Report Package to launch the New Report Package dialog.
  2. To create a new report package structure from a PDF file or Word document, click the radio button next to this icon:

    In the New Report Package dialog, this is the radio button icon for choosing to create a report package from a file.
  3. Enter a Report Package Name and optional Report Package Description.
  4. In Report Package Type, Word is the default and only option available.
  5. For Location to save in Library, click Select, then navigate to the Library folder in which to save the report package and select it, and then click Select in the Report Package Save Location dialog.
  6. For Document to split and import into a report package, click Select File, then navigate to the file and select it, and then click Open.

    Use the filter control at the bottom right of the Open dialog to filter by document type: Word (.docx) or PDF (.pdf).

    The example in Figure 20-11 shows the New Report Package dialog with the Vision.pdf file selected for splitting into individual Word files. In the example, the report package structure we're creating will be stored in the Quarterly folder in the Library.

    Figure 20-11 Options for Creating a Report Package Structure from a Document, Before Generating Doclets

    Shows the fields displayed in the New Report Package dialog when the option to create a new report package from a file is selected. The available fields are: Report Package Name, optional Report Package description, Report Package Type, Location to save in Library, Document to split, and the read-only Select folder to import that will hold the generated files.
  7. Click Generate Doclets.

    A message is displayed informing you that the operation can take some time to complete. To continue, click Yes in the message box.

    A second message is displayed informing you that the file will be converted into optimized, editable documents, and that the documents may not look exactly like the original file, but they can be edited later. To continue, click OK in the message.

    Once the file generation process is complete, in the bottom of portion of the dialog, the temporary folder where the files are being stored is displayed in the left pane; the files that were created in the right pane, as shown in Figure 20-12.

    Also, a default style sample is provided based on the file that was just split.

    Figure 20-12 Options for Creating a Report Package Structure from a Document, After Generating Doclets

    Shows the fields displayed in the New Report Package dialog after choosing to create a new report package from a file and generating the doclets is completed. The dialog reverts to the format of the New Report Package dialog when the folder option has been selected. Available fields are: Report Package Name, optional Report Package description, Report Package Type, Location to save in Library. In Report Package Style Sample, a style sample document has been defined based on the content of the original file that was used and is not selectable. A temporary folder location is specified in the Select folder to import field is not selectable. The bottom portion of the dialog contains the files that were generated. You can edit the doclet type and add an optional description to each file.
  8. At the bottom portion of the dialog, in the right pane, to make any necessary changes to the doclet type, click the arrow in the cells under Type, and select a doclet type.

    For example, after evaluation by Narrative Reporting, a Word document was designated a Regular doclet , but you want to change the designation to Supplemental.

  9. Optional: At the bottom portion of the dialog, in the right pane, click in the cells under Name and Description to change doclet names and add descriptions to the doclets.

    If required, you can add descriptions to the doclets later in Smart View; see Editing Report Package, Doclet, and Section Properties.

  10. Verify that the information you entered in the New Report Package dialog is correct, and then click Import.

    When the import is completed, you are returned to the Narrative Reporting Panel, where you can click the link provided to open the report package in Smart View.

    Figure 20-13 Narrative Reporting Panel with Link to New Report Package

    Narrative Reporting Home displaying a link to the newly-created report package. You can also click the left arrow to return to the main Narrative Reporting Home.

    Alternatively, if you invoked the New Report Package command by right-clicking on a Library folder, then click Go button used to refresh the panel to refresh the panel to view the new report package in that folder.