Modifying Connections within an Office Document

From the Document Contents pane, you can change connections for Oracle Smart View for Office objects within an Office document. This is useful when sharing an Office document between departments that point to different servers or when moving from a test to a production environment.

You can change the connection properties for all entities in a document that share the same connection information (for example, all worksheets or grids that point to the same application and database on a particular server). Or, in an Excel workbook, you can change the connection information sheet by sheet.

To modify connections from the Document Contents pane:

  1. Open the Office document.


    Narrative Reporting: To change the connection information for Smart View content in an Excel doclet, you must open the doclet from the report package and then check it out. See Checking Out Doclets.

  2. In the Document Contents pane, from the drop-down list box, perform an action:
    • Select a sheet from a selected document

    • Select a particular connection

    • Select All Connections

  3. Select the Modify Connection link at the bottom of the pane.

    Alternatively, right-click a connection name or sheet name and select Modify Connection. You can also modify connections as follows:

    • To modify a connection for all sheets in the workbook, select the top-level tree node connection name in Document Contents

    • To modify a connection for a specific sheet, select the connection name under the specific sheet-level tree node

    The Edit Connection - URL page of the wizard is displayed.

  4. In the URL drop-down list, select an existing connection or enter a new connection URL.
  5. Click Next and in Edit Connection - Application/Cube, expand Servers, and navigate to the application and database to which you want to connect, depending upon the provider requirements.

    Alternatively, select the Advanced Setup check box and manually enter the information for Server, Application, and Cube/Database, as the provider requires.

    For example, Figure 3-7 shows the entries for connecting to an Oracle Essbase application and database.

    Figure 3-7 Edit Connection - Application/Cube Advanced Setup

    Edit Connection - Application/Cube Advanced Setup wizard page showing Server, Application, and Cube/Database fields.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Select the Refresh link at the bottom of the Document Contents pane.
  8. To save the modified connection information, save the workbook.

    The modified connection information is saved when you save the workbook.


    Narrative Reporting: Be sure to upload and check in the Excel doclet you're working with. The modified connection information is saved when you upload and check in the doclet. See Uploading and Working with Page Attributes and Slide Masters and Checking In Doclets.