Packaging and Loading an Extracted File onto a Target Machine

Configuration Assistant. This tool is used to create configurations and to extract them into a portable archive. Typically the machine on which the tool is running must use a Microsoft Windows operating system. Also typically, such a machine would be either a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client or a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web Development Client (also known as a Fat Client).

The output of the extraction depends on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications release, and the machine on which the extraction is performed. For details, see the Extraction Output table in the section entitled: Extracting a Configuration.

Change Assistant. This tool is used to load an extraction onto a target machine, which must be a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Deployment Server or Standalone Client. By definition, the Deployment Server must also be running a Microsoft Windows operating system. By default, Configuration Assistant creates the .par file in the directory you specified in Using Preferences.

To summarize the Change Assistant steps:

  1. To avoid having Change Assistant inadvertently locate test extractions or perhaps other extractions that you might not be ready to share, copy the .par file to an appropriate folder under the Change Assistant downloads directory on the Deployment Server or Standalone Client.

  2. Navigate to the specified source directory containing the .par file and select the .par file from the Change Assistant display.

  3. Click the Deploy button.

    Change Assistant displays a list of available JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installed environments on this machine (which is either a Deployment Server or Standalone Client).

  4. Select the target JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment into which you want to load the contents of the configuration.

Caution: Always beware of data integrity concerns, especially in production data environments. See Backing Up Your Target Database Environment.