
1. Override Ledger Type

Specify an override ledger type from UDC 09/LT that the system uses to locate the account transactions. The system locates the account transactions from either the Account Ledger table (F0911) or the Account Balances table (F0902), depending on the setting of the Extract Account Transactions processing option.

2. Extract Account Transactions

Specify whether to extract the account transactions from the Account Balances table (F0902) or the Account Ledger table (F0911). Values are:

Blank or 1: Account Balances table (F0902).

2: Account Ledger table (F0911).

3. Adjustment Ledger Type

Specify the adjustment ledger type from UDC 09/LT that the system uses to extract account transactions that were entered for adjustments. The system extracts the adjustment transactions in addition to the transactions that you specified for the expense class for ledger types AA or AZ, or the override ledger type that you entered in the Override Ledger Type processing option.

4. Account Range Inclusion

Specify whether the system uses the ranges specified for the object accounts separately from the ranges specified for the subsidiary accounts, or whether it considers the object account range only. Values are:

Blank: Use the range for the object accounts only. The system includes all subsidiaries within the range of objects specified. For example, if the From Object and From Subsidiary fields contain 5000 and 001, respectively, and the To Object and To Subsidiary fields contain 5100 and 020, respectively, the system includes all accounts between 5000 and 5100, regardless of the subsidiary.

1: Use separate ranges for the object and subsidiary accounts. For example, if the From Object and From Subsidiary fields contain 5000 and 001, respectively, and the To Object and To Subsidiary fields contain 5100 and 020, respectively, the system includes all object accounts between 5000 and 5100 that have subsidiaries between 001 and 020. If account 5050.025 were set up, the system would not include it in the range.

5. Ledger Type Group

Specify the name of a ledger type group that contains all the ledger types to be included in the class exposure.

6. Base Exclusion Processing

Specify when the system deducts base exclusions. Values are:

Blank: The system deducts base exclusions in the year following the base exclusion start year.

1: The system deducts base exclusions in the same year as the base exclusion start year.

7. Maximum Limit Calculation

Specify whether the system includes the year of the base adjustment when calculating the maximum limit.

Blank: Include the base year when calculating the maximum limit.

1: Exclude base year when calculating the maximum limit.