
1. Area Log Class

Specify a code from user-defined code (UDC) table 15/AM to limit retrieval of building or property square footage to a single log class. Enter a value to select the proper square footage amount if you have multiple building or property log lines set up with the same E.P. code. The system uses this square footage amount in the share factor calculation when using the building or property as the denominator.

Note: The system uses this processing option only with calculation method B or P, and only when you do not enter a share factor denominator on the expense participation information record.
2. Area Amenity ID

Specify a code from UDC 15/AM to limit retrieval of building or property square footage to a single combination of log class and amenity ID. Enter a value in this processing option to select the proper square footage amount if you have multiple building or property log lines set up with the same E.P. code and the same log class. The system uses this square footage amount in the share factor calculation when using the building or property as the denominator.

Note: The system uses this processing option only with calculation method B or P, and only when you do not enter a share factor denominator on the expense participation information record.
3. Prorate Base Exclusion Amount

Specify whether to prorate the base exclusion amount using the occupancy factor. Values are:

Blank: Do not prorate.

1: Prorate using occupancy factor.

2: Prorate using the expense span.

To determine the prorated base exclusion amount, the system derives an occupancy factor that it multiplies by the base exclusion amount. The system calculates the occupancy factor by dividing the number of days that the tenant occupies the unit (based on the occupancy from and through dates on the expense participation information record) by the number of days in which these dates overlap:

Dates of the billing period entered in the Billing Period Number processing option.

Expense participation dates entered in the Begin Date and End Date fields on the E.P, Information Revisions form.

Effective dates for the expense class entered on the E.P. Class Information Revisions form.

For example, if the unit is occupied for four months (September 1st through December 31st, or 122 days), and the billing period, expense participation dates, and effective dates for the expense class overlap by one year (365 days), the occupancy factor is 0.3342 (122 ÷ 365). If occupancy begins on September 15th, the calculation is 0.2959 (108 ÷ 365).

4. Receivables or Payables

Specify whether to select leases that generate invoice records or voucher records. If you leave the Lessee field blank, the system generates invoice records when you post billings. If you enter 1 or Y in the Lessee field on the lease, the system generates voucher records when you post billings. The system processes only those leases that have a value in the Lessee field that corresponds to the setting of this processing option. Values are:

Blank: Select leases that generate invoice records.

1: Select leases that generate voucher records.

Note: You must process recurring billings that generate invoices separately from recurring billings that generate vouchers.