Forecasting Method 7: Project/Building Year-To-Date Increase Over Prior Year

The system estimates sales based on a year-to-date increase for the mall (either building or project number as defined in the processing options) over the prior year. Because this method includes more than just the lease for which sales are being estimated, the reporting months sales for all comparable leases within the building or project are included in the calculation of year-to-date sales. For example, if estimating sales for December 2008, you compare year-to-date sales for January to December 2008 with the year-to-date sales for January to December 2007 for all comparable leases with the same building or project number. When forecasting the first three months of the year, (January, February, and March), year-to-date sales include the prior 4 months through the reporting month.

This forecasting method uses this calculation:

Monthly estimate = (Lease Sales This Month Last Year × Mall Year To Date Sales This Year) ÷ Mall Year To Date Sales Last Year

Where Month is the current reporting period.