
1. Refund Generation

Specify whether to generate refunds for tenants that have open invoices (unpaid debts). Values are:

Blank: Disregard unpaid debts. The system produces a refund for tenants that have open invoices.

1: Refund only if debts paid. The system produces a refund only for those tenants who do not have open invoices (debts are paid).

2. Refund Amounts

Specify whether to refund the full amount of the security deposit or to subtract open invoices (unpaid debt) from the security deposit and refund the difference. Values are:

Blank: Full refund.

1: Refund the deposit less unpaid debts.

3. Refund Generation Processing

Specify whether to generate a standard or partial refund. A standard refund includes refunds from which open invoices (unpaid debts) are subtracted. To designate a partial refund you must also complete the corresponding processing options to designate the amount or percent of the refund that you want to process. You cannot process full and partial refunds together; you must run the program separately for each. Values are:

Blank: Process a standard refund.

1: Process a partial refund. The system determines the amount of the refund to process based upon the settings of the Partial Adjustment Indicator and Partial Refund Amount/Percent processing options.

4. Create Refund Batches

Specify whether to print a report and generate refund batches, or print a report only. Values are:

Blank: Print a report only. The system prints a report of the transactions selected for processing, but does not create refund batches or update tables.

1: Create refund batches. The system creates the security deposit refunds, updates the appropriate tables, and prints a report.

5. Security Deposit Status

Specify whether the system updates the Security Deposit Applied Status field to R when the security deposit has been fully refunded. The system displays the status of the security deposit in the DS field on the Security Deposit Revisions form. Values are:

Blank: Update the security deposit status to R.

1: Do not update.