
1. G/L Date

Specify the GL date to use for the receipts and vouchers that the system generates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date as the GL date.

2. Generation As Of Date

Specify the leases for which you are generating the security deposit refund; use this processing option with one of these selections:

  • Data Selection

    The Lease End Selection and Actual Out Selection processing options must be blank or the system uses the values in the Lease End or Actual Out processing options.

  • Lease End Date and Actual Out Date processing options

    The system uses the As Of Date that you enter and the date ranges specified in the Lease End Date and Actual Out Date processing options to determine the version of the lease and the date ranges to use to when selecting leases.

  • Lease End Days and Actual Out Days processing options

    The system uses the As Of Date that you enter and the number of days specified in the Lease End Days and Actual Out Days processing options to determine the version of the lease and the date range to use to select the leases.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

Note: The system does not refund any security deposit records that have a suspend date that is before the as of date that you enter.
3. Voucher Due Date

Specify the due date to assign to the voucher that the system generates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the payment term from the alternate payee's supplier master record in the F0401 table to calculate the due date.

4. Lease End Selection

Specify the criteria that the system uses to select lease records. Values are:

Blank: Use the values in either the Lease End Date and Actual Out Date processing options or Lease End Days and Actual Out Days processing options.

1: Use data selection and the Generation As Of Date processing option to select the records to process. You must also set the Actual Out Selection processing option to 1 to use data selection.

5. Lease End Date From

Specify the date ranges that the system uses to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Lease End Date Through and the Actual Out Date processing options.

The Lease End Date processing options work with the Actual Out Date processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: The Actual-Out Date field on the lease must be completed to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
6. Lease End Date Through

Specify the date ranges that the system uses to select the lease records from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Lease End Date From and the Actual Out Date processing options.

The Lease End Date processing options work with the Actual Out Date processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: You must enter a value in the Actual-Out Date field on the lease to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
7. Lease End Days Prior to As Of Date

Specify the number of days prior to the date entered in the Generation As Of Date processing option to use to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Lease End Days After As Of Date and the Actual Out Days processing options.

The Lease End Days processing options work with the Actual Out Days processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: You must enter a value in the Actual-Out Date field on the lease to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
8. Lease End Days After As Of Date

Specify the number of days after the date entered in the Generation As Of Date processing option to use to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option, with the Lease End Days Prior to As Of Date and the Actual Out Days processing options.

The Lease End Days processing options work with the Actual Out Days processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: You must enter a value in the Actual-Out Date field on the lease to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
9. Actual Out Selection

Specify the criteria that the system uses to select lease records. Values are:

Blank: Use the values entered in either the Actual Out Date and Lease End Date processing options or the Actual Out Days and Lease End Days processing options.

1: Use data selection and the Generation As Of Date processing option to select the records to process. You must also set the Lease End Selection processing option to 1 to use data selection.

10. Actual Out Date From

Specify the date ranges that the system uses to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Actual Out Date Through and the Lease End Date processing options.

The Actual Out Date processing options work with the Lease End Date processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: You must enter a value in the Actual-Out Date field on the lease to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
11. Actual Out Date Through

Specify the date ranges that the system uses to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Actual Out Date From processing option and the Lease End Date processing options.

The Actual Out Date processing options work with the Lease End Date processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: You must enter a value in the Actual-Out Date field on the lease to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
12. Actual Out Days Prior to As Of Date

Specify the number of days prior to the date entered in the Generation As Of Date processing option to use to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Actual Out Days After As Of Date and the Lease End Days processing options.

The Actual Out Days processing options work with the Lease End Days processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: The Actual-Out Date field on the lease must be completed to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.
13. Actual Out Days After As Of Date

Specify the number of days after the date entered in the Generation As Of Date processing option to use to select the lease records for which to generate security deposit refunds; use this processing option with the Actual Out Days Prior to As Of Date and the Lease End Days processing options.

The Actual Out Days processing options work with the Lease End Days processing options to provide two date ranges to select lease records. You must complete both sets of processing options or the system does not select records to process.

Note: The Actual-Out Date field on the lease must be completed to use any of the processing options. If you do not have actual out dates completed, use data selection to process security deposit refunds.