Std Refund

1. Select or Omit Bill Codes for Standard Refund

Specify whether to process standard refunds by bill code. You can either select or omit the transactions to refund based on the bill codes entered. You can enter up to five bill codes to use or exclude. Values are:

Blank: Process standard refunds for all bill codes.

1: Process.

2: Do not process standard refunds for the bill codes entered in the Standard Refund Bill Codes processing options; process refunds for all other bill codes.

Standard Refund Bill Code 1 through Standard Refund Bill Code 5

Specify the bill codes to use as selection criteria for the security deposit records to refund, in conjunction with the Select or Omit Bill Codes for Standard Refunds processing option.

Note: The system selects only bill codes that are assigned to a security deposit group regardless of whether you select or omit them.