Receipt, Security Deposit, Tenant Work Order, and Recurring Billing Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the receipt, security deposit, tenant work order, and recurring billing reports:

Report ID and Report Name




Receipts Journal Report

Use this program to print receipt batch information, as an alternative to reviewing receipts online.

Real Estate Receipts (G1513), Receipts Journal Report


Recurring Billing Comparison Report

Use this program to print the amounts for recurring billings from two periods for comparison purposes.

Recurring Billing (G1521), Recurring Billing Comparison Report


Recurring Billing Information Listing

Use this program to print the setup information for recurring billings, such as the bill codes and frequencies.

Recurring Billing menu (G1521), Recurring Billing Information Listing


Tenant Billing Listing

Use this program to print the setup information for recurring billings.

Recurring Billing (G1521), Tenant Billing Listing


Receipts Variance Report

Use this program to print the receipt amounts that have been billed and received, and the amounts still outstanding for the month and year-to-date.

Real Estate Receipts (G1513), Receipts Variance Report


Tenant Work Order Print

Use this program to print each work order entered. You use data selection to limit the report to specific tenants or leases.

Tenant Work Orders (G1516), Tenant Work Order Print


Tenant Work Order Status Summary

Use this program to print tenant work order information such as the description of the work order, the planned completion date, estimated and actual hours, the work order type, and the work order status.

You use data selection to limit the report to specific tenants or leases.

Tenant Work Orders (G1516), Tenant Work Order Status Summary


Rent Change Report

Use this program to print the history of changes in the transactions associated with rent.

Recurring Billing menu (G1521), Rent Change Report


Security Deposit Critical Date Report

Use this report to review critical dates for security deposits, such as due dates for security deposits by lease, lease version, unit, bill code, tenant, and gross amount.

Security Deposits (G1515), Security Deposit Critical Date Report


Security Deposit Required Versus Received Report

As an alternative to reviewing whether a security deposit has been entered, billed, or received, you can print the Security Deposit Req'd vs Rec'd Report (R15615). You use this report to determine which tenants have not complied with the security deposit requirement.

Security Deposits (G1515), Security Deposit Req'd vs Rec'd Report