Understanding Expense Participation Classes

Expense classes enable you to process and maintain operating expenses that are shared by tenants. For example, you can set up expense classes for expenses related to common area maintenance, utilities, taxes, advertising, parking, and administration. Use the E.P. Class Information program (P1530) to set up expense participation classes to identify expenses by property or building, account range, and time period.

Use the P1530 program to:

  • Set up category codes that help you organize and search for expense classes.

  • Set up and indicate the placement of a cap rule.

    See Setting Up Adjustment Amounts.

  • Specify administration fees, gross ups, adjustment factors, and ledger type groups by account range.

  • Override account range information by account (that is, exclude from administration fees and modify gross up percent).

  • Exclude accounts from the account range.

    See Setting Up Account Overrides.

  • Specify subject to cap information for account ranges.

You can specify a group of buildings or a single building to be included in the expense class. You can also specify a lease building to retrieve accounts for specific buildings. A lease building enables you to set up classes that apply at a global level or those that apply to specific buildings. For example, lease 1111 is attached to building 20200 and lease 2222 is attached to building 30300. If you enter 30300 in the Lease Building field, the system retrieves accounts only for lease 2222 even if both leases are associated with the same E.P. class CAMS. Additionally, you can enter * in the Lease Building field to retrieve accounts for all lease buildings, instead of entering a line for each building.

The total amount of all transactions posted to the accounts for the expense class is the class exposure. The class exposure includes only those transactions that occur within the following date ranges:

  • The date ranges entered for the expense participation class.

  • The tenant participation period for the expense participation class, which is set up in the expense participation information.

  • The billing period, which is specified in a processing option when you run the E.P. Calculation Generation program (R15110).

When you delete an expense participation class, the system deletes any class information associated with it, such as overrides accounts and attachments, adjustments, E.P. class detail attachments, and E.P. class header attachments. However, the system does not validate if the E.P. class is being used in other locations in the system. You are responsible for checking several tables to ensure that the E.P. class is not in use before deletion.

The system stores expense class information in the Expense Participation Class Master Header (F1530H) and Expense Participation Class Master (F1530) tables.