Working with Software Update Impact Analysis Tool on the Web (P96710W)

Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis application:
  1. Sign in to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on the web client.
  2. From the Software Updates menu (GH9612), select Software Update Impact Analysis (P96710W).
  3. In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form, click Add. The Impact Analysis Setup form is displayed.
  4. Enter the Software Update Name (for example JN12345) and Environment Name (for example DV920) and click OK.
  5. The impact analysis record that was created in the previous step is loaded in the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form and the analysis process begins in the background.
  6. Click Find to refresh the page. The analysis results are displayed in the lower pane of the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form. A list of all the affected objects, delivered bugs, and applied control tables are displayed.

Reviewing the Impact Analysis Results

The JD Edwards system enables you to review the impact analysis results in different views namely, Product Code View, Table Change View, and Summary View.

Impact Analysis Product Code View

In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Form Exit and select Product Code View.

The Impact Analysis Product Code View form is displayed.

You can filter the count of objects affected by the software update, by Product Code, Environment Name or by setting the Query in the Query field. A graphical representation of the object count analysis is displayed in the right pane of the form.

Impact Analysis Table Change View

In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Form Exit and select Table Change View. The Impact Analysis Table Change View form is displayed.

You can filter the table and index changes by Product Code, Environment Name or by setting the Query in the Query field. A graphical representation of the Table and Index change analysis is displayed in the right pane of the form.

Impact Analysis Summary View

In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Form Exit and select Summary View. The Impact Analysis Summary View form is displayed.

You can filter the view by setting the Query in the Query field and review the graphical summary of the affected and replaced objects.

Reviewing the Analysis Views

The Analysis Views provide additional information apart from the software update impact analysis results.

Object Usage View

To access the object usage view for the software update:
  1. In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Row exit, select Analysis Views and then select Object Usage View. The Impact Analysis - Object Usage View form is displayed.
  2. Use this view to filter the records and review the usage of all objects for the selected ESU.

Table Change View

To access the table changes view for the software update:
  1. In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Row exit, select Analysis Views and then select Table Change View. The Work With Table Change Table form is displayed.
  2. Use this view to filter the table change records and review the table changes for the selected ESU.

Index Change View

To access the index changes view for the software update:
  1. In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Row exit, select Analysis Views and then select Index Change View. The Work With Index Change Table form is displayed.
  2. Use this view to filter the index change records and review the index changes for the selected ESU.

Copied Object View

To access the copied objects view for the software update:
  1. In the Work With Software Update Impact Analysis form (P96710W), click Row exit, select Analysis Views and then select Copied Object View. The Impact Analysis - Copied Object View form is displayed.
  2. Use this view to filter the copied objects records and review all the copied objects for the selected ESU.