
Some objects use tokens to minimize the possibility of one user overwriting another user's changes to an object. The token management system organizes application development by providing a single checkout environment. Tokens provide a change control solution in a system that does not support merging or multiple versions of object specifications.

Projects hold tokens for an object, and each object has only one token. You can check out an object only if your project holds the token for the object. In this way, an object can reside in several projects, but can be checked out and checked in only by qualified users of the project that holds the token. However, you can allow other projects to share an object's token, thereby allowing the object to be checked out and checked in by qualified users of one or more projects. Only one person can check out an object at a time.

See Adding Objects to Projects.

See User Defined Objects (UDOs) and Non-User Defined Objects (non-UDOs).

This table lists the allowed actions you can perform while your project holds the token:



Allow Another Project to Inherit the Token

This action forces both projects to be advanced together as if they were one project and allows multiple fixes to be applied to an object.

Switch the Token to Another Project

The project that donates the token returns to the queue as the first project waiting for the token when the new project inherits the token. This action allows an emergency fix to be applied immediately. Token switching should be restricted to a specific user role to ensure security of the objects.

Release the Token

You can release the token and allow the next project in the queue to receive the token. The token can be released manually or configured to be released when a project advances to a new status. The token can be released when the project's status first changes or as late as when the project is closed. You must configure token release according to object type. Some object types, such as business functions, can hold their tokens longer, while other object types can give up their tokens earlier. You must also, set up tokens for release at a predefined object transfer point.

Your organization's change control procedures determine how you configure the object-transfer activity rules to release tokens. If you do not define object-transfer activity rules to release tokens, developers risk overwriting the changes of other developers.