Expense Entry Mobile Applications


Android 10 and iOS 13 are the last operating systems that JD Edwards will certify for mobile applications developed on Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF).

See Oracle Support Document 2652952.1 (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Strategy) for details on our mobile strategy:


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Enterprise Applications will go into Sustaining Support.

See Oracle Support Document 2652953.1 (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sustaining Support for Mobile Enterprise Applications) for details:



Before using the mobile applications, Oracle strongly recommends that users have a complete understanding of how to use the associated processes and applications in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne base software.

The features and functionality available in the Mobile Expense Entry applications are          based on the base EnterpriseOne setup of the Expense Management system. Before using these mobile applications, you must be familiar with your organization's expense policies.

For additional information about the processes and applications associated with the mobile applications discussed in this chapter, see: