Using On-Demand Kernel Refresh

Note: You must have Administrator privileges in Server Manager in order to perform an on-demand kernel refresh.

You can trigger an on-demand kernel refresh (which also includes a recycle of CallObject kernels) from Server Manager. For a description of the logic, refer to the preceding section entitled: Understanding Kernel Refresh.

Note: This function creates Server Manager logs which you can use to verify program functionality or to perform additional debug, if necessary.

To use on-demand kernel refresh:

  1. In Server Manager, select the Enterprise server that you wish to trigger an on-demand kernel refresh.

  2. In the Instance Properties section, click the Refresh Environments button.
    This image is described in surrounding text.
  3. The following dialog is displayed.
    This image is described in surrounding text.
  4. Review the content of the dialog which states:

    This will refresh static environments in system kernel processes and will trigger all callobject kernels to recycle.

    Are you sure you want to refresh environments in this enterprise server instance?

  5. Click the OK button to begin the processes to refresh the static environments and to trigger all CallObject kernels to recycle.