Accessing Send Meeting Invite Option from Tools Menu

To access the Send Meeting Invite option from the Tools menu:

  1. On the form with which you are working, select the Tools menu.

  2. Click Collaborate.

  3. Select the Send Meeting Invite option.

  4. The File Download window of the browser appears with an option to open or save the .ics (calendar file) file.

    Note: For Outlook, you can choose an option to open or save the .ics file. For Thunderbird, save the .ics file to a desired location; then, open Thunderbird, access the Events and Tasks tab, click Import, and navigate to the location where you saved the .ics file. Select the .ics file and click Open. The meeting will be added to the Thunderbird calendar, and also in the Events and Tasks window.
  5. Click Open.

    Note: You can also save the file in a desired location and open it later.
  6. The system displays the Appointment window of the default calendar. The subject of the meeting invite contains the title of the form. The body of the meeting invite contains the title of the form and the parameterized URL of the form. You can view the form or application by clicking the parameterized URL, and then entering your user ID and password.

  7. Schedule a meeting time and add the meeting recipients as required.

  8. Click Send.

    The meeting will be added in the calendar of your default email client.

    The Send Meeting Invite creates the meeting request by default using the current time on the machine from where the E1 HTML server is running. It does not use the time on the machine from where the browser with the E1 web client is accessed. You can open your default email/calendar client and edit the time of the meeting request.