Adding the While Step (Release

You can add a While step to repeat steps while a particular condition is true in your orchestration. The While step uses the existing rules in the Orchestrator Studio to add conditions.

To add a While step in your orchestration:

  1. Access your orchestration and click Design Mode.

  2. Identify the location in your orchestration diagram where you want to add the while step and click the Add Step button (+).

  3. In the New Step window, select While. The system displays a window along with the list of existing rules.

  4. Select the rule as required from the list. You can also click the New button and define a new rule.

    See Creating Rules. This new rule is used in the while step when you save it. The system displays the name of the selected rule as the name of the while step.

  5. Click the While step, and use these icons:

    • Choose Step: Click this icon to change the rule that you added to your while step.

    • Edit: Click this icon to make changes to the added rule.

    • Transformations: Click this icon to map orchestration inputs to inputs. See Mapping Orchestration Inputs.

      In the Wait Time (Seconds) field, specify a value. This is the wait time between any two iterations. You can enter a number between 0 and 60.

      In the Maximum Iterations field, specify the limit for the number of times you want the while loop to iterate in order to prevent the while loop from iterating endlessly. If the while loop exceeds the iteration limit, the while step will end in error. The default value in the Maximum Iterations field is the value entered in the Maximum While Loop Iterations field for the AIS Server in Server Manager. You can only decrease this value.

      To increase the maximum value, change the value in the Maximum While Loop Iterations field for the AIS Server in Server Manager.

    • Error Handling:Click this icon to set up error handling. See Defining Error Handling for Orchestration Steps.

  6. Click Save.