Downloading an Existing Report (Release

To configure a report service request to download an existing report:

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the Reports icon.

  2. Create and name the report service request as described in Creating a Component.

  3. Select the Download Existing Report option and complete these fields:
    1. Job Number: Enter the job number variable.
    2. Execution Server: Enter the execution server name.
    3. File Type: Select the required file type from the drop-down menu.

      The available file types are:

      • PDF
      • CSV
      • OSA (Release 9.2.8)
      • ETEXT - BI Publisher Only
      • HTML - BI Publisher Only
      • EXCEL - BI Publisher Only
      • XML - BI Publisher Only
      • RTF- BI Publisher Only
      • PPT - BI Publisher Only
    4. Overwrite Existing File: Enable this option to use the original file name throughout the processing. Disable this option to assign a unique file name to each file.
    5. Keep Temp Files: Enable this option to save files in the root temporary directory. The files will remain in the root temporary directory indefinitely. Disable this option to save the files in the user's session temporary directory.These files will be deleted when the user session ends.
    6. File Name Variable: Enter the file name variable. The downloaded file’s name will be stored with this file name variable, which can be used in later steps to access the file in the temporary directory.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.