Executing a Report

To configure a report service request to execute a report:

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the Reports icon.

  2. Create and name the report service request as described in Creating a Component.

  3. Select the Execute Report option. This option is selected by default for new reports.
  4. On the Reports design page, in the Report Name field, enter the ID of the report that you want the report service request to invoke.

    The Orchestrator Studio loads all the versions that are associated with the report in the Report Version drop-down list.

  5. Click the Report Version drop-down list and select a version of the report.

    The Orchestrator Studio loads any settings defined for the version in EnterpriseOne, including data selection, data sequencing, processing options, and output options.

  6. (Release Enable the Variable toggle if you want to use the report version as a variable. When you enable the Variable toggle, the name of the variable is populated with the value <Report Request UDO Name>_version by default.

    For example, for a report that has many versions, you can build a single report request and pass a version into that step from an orchestration input, or even from a value that is derived in a previous orchestration step. Using this option, a single report step can serve to run any version of the report, giving your orchestrations more flexibility.

  7. (Release Click the Queue drop-down list and select a job queue for the report. If you want to set a variable for the queue, you can use the standard ${variableName} syntax. This variable is listed in step transformations and can be mapped to an orchestration input, the output of a previous step, or a string literal. During runtime, the report is run on this specific queue based on the value provided in the Queue.

  8. Enable the Fire and Forget option if you want the report to run asynchronously.

    Note: The Download Report section is disabled if you enable the Fire and Forget option.

    If you do not enable this setting in an orchestration that has steps following the report service request, the remaining steps will not execute until the report finishes.

    Disable the Fire and Forget option if you want the report to run synchronously. When a report runs synchronously, the orchestration will wait until the report is done before continuing to the next step. There are two AIS configuration settings to control how long the orchestrator will wait and how often it will check during the wait time for the report to complete.

    • Check Status Interval (milliseconds) - Default Value 3000 (3 seconds)

    • Launch Report Maximum Synchronous Wait Time (milliseconds) - Default Value 1800000 (30 minutes)

    You have to consider these settings especially when running a lengthy report synchronously.

  9. Select one of the following options to determine how to run the report:

    • Blind Execution. Select this option if you want the report service request to invoke the batch version by using the settings that are defined in EnterpriseOne for the report version.

      You can review the settings that are defined for the version by expanding the Data Selection, Data Sequencing, and Processing Options sections.

    • Report Interconnects. If a report is defined with report interconnects, select this option and enter the values you want to pass in the available fields in the report. This option is disabled if no report interconnects were defined for the report.

    • Override Version. Select this option to override the settings in EnterpriseOne for a version of the report, and then perform these steps:

      1. Expand Data Selection and Data Sequencing sections to modify existing criteria, or click the Add button to define new criteria.

      2. Expand the Processing Options section and change the settings as desired.

  10. (Release Expand the Download Report section and complete these fields:
    Note: The Fire and Forget option must be disabled to access the Download Report section.
    1. Download Immediately: Enable this option if you want to download the report immediately after it runs.
    2. File Type: Select the file type you want from this drop-down menu.

      The available file types are:

      • PDF
      • CSV
      • OSA (Release 9.2.8)
      • ETEXT - BI Publisher Only
      • HTML - BI Publisher Only
      • EXCEL - BI Publisher Only
      • XML - BI Publisher Only
      • RTF- BI Publisher Only
      • PPT - BI Publisher Only
    3. Overwrite Existing File: Enable this option to use the original file name throughout the processing. Disable this option to assign a unique file name to each file.
    4. Keep Temp Files: Enable this option to save files in the root temporary directory. The files will remain in the root temporary directory indefinitely. Disable this option to save the files in the user's session temporary directory.These files will be deleted when the user session ends.
    5. File Name Variable: Enter the file name variable. The downloaded file’s name will be stored with this file name variable, which can be used in later steps to access the file in the temporary directory..
  11. Click the Queue Name drop-down list and select the queue to which the reported is submitted. If you leave this field blank, when this report is invoked, the system uses the default queue that is defined in the Enterprise Server configuration settings.

  12. To modify the print properties that are defined for the report, click Output Options and complete the fields as appropriate.

    For more information about report output options, see "Report Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide.

  13. To enable logging for the report, click Output Options and then enable the JDE Log toggle. Enter a value from 0-6 in the Logging Level field to indicate the level of detail to be captured in the logs.

    Any value greater than 0 will force the system to write both the JDE and JDEDEBUG logs. When you select a higher value for receiving information, you also receive all the information for the lower values. For example, when you enter a value of 3 (object level messages), you also receive information for 2 (section level messages), 1 (informative messages), and 0 (error messages).