
The processing options on this tab define the processes that the system performs during time entry.

1. Write time entry records

Specify the tables to which the system writes the time entry records. Values are:

Blank: Only F17860 table.

1: F0911Z1 and F17860 tables.

2: F06116Z1 and F17860 tables.

2. Protected time entry line

Specify whether you can change the time entry line when you inquire on time entry information. Values are:

Blank: Do not protect.

1: Protect.

3. Round Actual Hours

Specify how to display the actual hours worked. Values are:

Blank: Display actual hours.

1: Round to the quarter hour.

2: Round to a tenth of an hour.

3: Round to the half hour.

4. Round Billable Hours

Specify whether to round the billable hours. Values are:

Blank: Do not round.

1: Round to the quarter hour.

2: Round to a tenth of an hour.

3: Round to the half hour.

5. Protect Minimum Hours and Amount

Specify whether to protect the information in the Minimum Hours and the Minimum Amount fields. Values are:

Blank: Do not protect.

1: Protect.

6. Use Flex Accounting (FUTURE)

(Future Use) Specify whether to use flex accounting. Values are:

Blank: Do not use.

1: Use.

7. (Release 9.2 Update) Edit Percentage Covered

Specify whether to allow users to edit the value in the Percentage Covered field. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow users to edit the percentage covered value.

1: Allow users to edit the percentage covered value.