Verifying the Setup of the SMTP server

To verify the SMTP server setup:

  1. Click the Windows Start button, and then click Run.

  2. On the Run dialog box, enter cmd.exe in the Open field.

  3. Ping the SMTP server.

  4. The DOS Command prompt should return with success.

  5. Issue the following command from the client workstation and the enterprise server: telnet <smtpHost> 25.

    Note: This command tests the connection to the SMTP server. For example: telnet 25. You should see returned 220 <SMTP server name> ESMTP.
  6. If the line returned begins with 220, then the SMTP connection integrity is valid.

  7. To test that you have set up the SMTP server correctly, click the following link:

    The value used for smtpHost in the above telnet test should be the same value for the mail server that was entered in the jde.ini for the Rule1 mail server.