Payables Discounts Available/Lost (PKD/PKL)

An AAI item for payable discounts available (PKD) and for payable discounts lost (PKL) is required if you take discounts. These items specify the profit and loss account for discounts available and lost. Discounts are not recognized until a payment is posted. The system uses PKD and PKL for the offsets that it creates when posting the payment.

Discounts taken is the net of discounts available and discounts lost. Both AAI PKD and its associated item PKL can point to the same general ledger account number. At the time of payment, the system writes a credit for the discount available to whatever account is associated with PKD. If you do not take a discount at the time of payment, the system also writes a debit to whatever account is associated with PKL.

Set up a default PKD and PKL account for company 00000 or a specific PKD and PKL account for each company.