Voucher Logging Expense/Trade (PP/PQ)

AAI items for preliminary distribution (PP) and a suspense trade account (PQ) are optional if you use voucher logging. Voucher logging is a feature of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system that enables you to enter a voucher but defer distribution to a GL expense account, which is typically a suspense account.

These items specify the default values for preliminary expense and suspense trade accounts when you enter a logged voucher. If you do not set up item PP, you must enter a valid suspense account when you enter a logged voucher. If you do not set up item PQ, the system uses the account for item PC when you post the logged voucher.

You designate the use of the suspense trade accounts in the Company Names and Numbers program (P0010) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:

  • Clear the Use Suspense Account check box on the Company Setup form to have the system use the AP payables class (PC) AAI item to post the liability to a regular trade account.

  • Select the Use Suspense Account check box on the Company Setup form to have the system use the voucher logging - trade (PQ) AAI item to post the liability to a suspense trade account.

When the preliminary expense account is redistributed to the actual expense account, the system adjusts the suspense trade account (PQ) to the AP Trade Account (PC).

When you know the expense accounts to which to post the voucher, you use Voucher JE Redistribution to post the voucher. You must manually enter the expense account. The system:

  • Credits the preliminary expense (PP).

  • Debits the AP trade suspense (PQ).

  • Credits the AP trade (PC).