Using Real-Time Summarization in the Standard Voucher Entry Program (P0411)

Access the Supplier Ledger Summary form.

Supplier Ledger Summary form

In selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs, you can use real-time summarization to quickly review aggregated totals, instead of scrolling to the end of the grid to review the totals.

On the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form, click the Grid Aggregate icon on the Gross Amount, Open Amount, Foreign Amount, or Foreign Open fields in the QBE line to view the summarized totals. When you select the Grid Aggregate icon, the system displays the Supplier Ledger Summary form from the Supplier Ledger Summary program (P0411SW).

When you view domestic amounts, the values in the Gross Amount and Open Amount fields are aggregated by supplier number and company, and totaled by supplier number and base currency. When you view foreign amounts, the values in the Foreign Amount and Foreign Open fields are aggregated by supplier number, company, and transaction currency, and totaled by supplier number and transaction currency.

If you enter a value in the As If Curr Code field on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form and select the visual assist for the Gross Amount or Open Amount fields, the system also provides values in the As If Gross Amount and As If Open Amount fields on the Supplier Ledger Summary form. The As If values in these two fields are aggregated by supplier number and company, and totaled by supplier number and As If currency.

Note: As If totals in the summarized grid might not match with As If totals in the detail grid, due to rounding.

After you view the aggregated totals on the Supplier Ledger Summary form, you click Cancel to return to the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form, or you can select a record to view the detailed transactions on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. If you select a record on the Supplier Ledger Summary form, the system populates the header fields and QBE fields on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form to display the detail records associated with that aggregated total. You can delete or change the values in these fields if you want to search for additional records.