
These processing options enable you to perform specific functions, such as writing off amounts or designating receipts as having insufficient funds, as well as to specify whether you want the system to notify you of certain conditions, such as using a duplicate receipt number or entering an overpayment.

1. Receipt Number

Specify whether the system requires a receipt number when you enter a receipt. Values are:

Blank: Do not require receipt number.

1: Require receipt number.

2. Write-Offs

Specify whether to allow write-offs on receipts. Values are:

Blank: Allow write-offs.

1: Do not allow write-offs.

3. Delete/NSF Unposted Receipts

Specify whether to allow the delete and NSF operations on unposted receipts. Values are:

Blank: Allow delete and NSF.

1: Do not allow delete and NSF.

4. Overpayment Edit

Specify the severity of the error message issued when an invoice has been overpaid. Values are:

0: No Edit

1: Warning

2: Error

When you overpay an invoice, the system displays it as a negative open amount.

5. Duplicate Receipt Edit

Specify the severity of the message issued when a duplicate receipt number is detected in the system. The system searches for duplicate receipt numbers for all records in the F03B13 table, not for individual customers. Values are:

0: No Edit

1: Warning

2: Error