Receipt Document Type Codes (00/DT)

Receipt document types are also known as matching document types. They cannot exist by themselves. You must attach (or match) each to a corresponding original document, except for logged receipts. For example, a receipt is a matching document that must always have a corresponding invoice as the original document. All matching document types are hard-coded.

Unlike invoice document type codes, receipt document type codes are set up only in UDC table 00/DT.

The system provides the following codes to use for matching documents when you enter and post receipts:

Document Type


Receipt (RC)

The system assigns this document type when you enter a receipt.

Reversing or void entry (RO)

The system assigns this document type when you void a posted receipt.

Spread adjustments (RS)

The system assigns this document type when you apply a credit memo to an invoice on a zero-amount receipt.

Insufficient funds (RV)

The system assigns this document type when you designate a receipt as NSF (for insufficient funds).

Receipt journal entry (RW)

The system uses this document type to get the next JE number during receipt posting if you set up next numbers by company or by company and fiscal year.