Canadian Tax

Use these processing options to specify tax values for various Canadian taxing authorities.

1. Canadian Tax Credit/ADD

Specify whether the system automatically includes the net Canadian federal tax credit and the net Quebec tax credit when you add a new employee. The amounts that the system includes come from the Net Canadian and Quebec Tax Credit forms. Values are:

0: Does not include.

1: Includes.

2. Canadian Tax Credit/Change

Specify whether the system automatically includes the net Canadian federal tax credit and the net Quebec tax credit when you change an employee record. The amounts that the system includes come from the Net Canadian and Quebec Tax Credit forms. Values are:

0: Does not include.

1: Includes.

3. Net Canadian Federal Tax Credits

Specify the dollar amount that the system automatically includes for area residence tax information. For federal taxes, find the net amount claimed on your TD1 (Personal Tax Credit Return) and enter that value here.

4. Net Canadian Quebec Tax Credit

Specify the net claim amount. The net claim amount applies to federal taxes. This amount comes from the TD1 form (Personal Tax Credit Return). For provincial (Quebec) taxes, the net claim amount comes from the MR-19-V form (Exemptions and Deductions).

5. Net Canadian Alberta Tax Credit

Specify the net claim amount. The net claim amount applies to federal taxes. This amount comes from the TD1 form (Personal Tax Credit Return). For provincial (Alberta) taxes, the net claim amount comes from the MR-19-V form (Exemptions and Deductions).

Provincial Tax Credits

Specify the net claim amount. The net claim amount applies to federal taxes. This amount comes from the TD1 form (Personal Tax Credit Return). For provincial (British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territory, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward, Saskatchewan, and Yukon Territory) taxes, the net claim amount comes from the MR-19-V form (Exemptions and Deductions).