Setting Up a Network Share for IBM i Root

Use this procedure to set up a network share on your IBM i root.

  1. Start IBM i Navigator

  2. Expand your machine in the tree.

  3. Drill down into the Network node.

  4. Drill down into the Servers node.

  5. Highlight TCP\IP.

  6. In the right hand panel find IBM i NetServer.

    If it has a status of Stopped, right click and start it.

  7. Double click on the started IBM i NetServer.

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  8. Navigate from File | New | File and complete these fields:

    • Share Name

      Enter this value: ROOT

    • Description

      Enter the Root directory in IFS.

    • Access

      Use the pulldown to choose Read\Write.

  9. On IBM i NetServer - File Share Properties <machine_name>, click OK.

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  10. On IBM i NetServer File Share Properties, right click on Root and go to properties and make sure that Access is set to Read\Write.

    Note: The default value is Read only.
  11. Click OK to save the Read\Write setting.