Considerations for the Duplication of Invoice Legal Number

The system controls the duplication of invoice legal numbers with the same supplier and legal document type.

To activate the duplicate legal numbers control, you must set up the processing options on the Validate tab for the F0411 Tag File Maintenance program (P760411A).

After you click OK on the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form, if the invoice number is duplicated for the same type of legal document, the system displays the Duplicate Invoice Number form.

If the system displays this form, take one of these actions:

  • Click Cancel.

    When you click Cancel, the voucher is generated with the pay status that is designated in processing option 5 of the F0411 Tag File Maintenance - ARG program (P76A0411A). For the invoice to adopt the pay status from the Pay Status Code processing option for the Voucher Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0400047), you must re-enter the voucher and replace its legal number with one that is not a duplicate, or you must change its legal document type.

  • Replace the legal number with one that is not a duplicate and click OK.

If duplicate number control is not achieved through legal document type (the processing options on the Validate tab for the F0411 Tag File Maintenance program (P760411A) are blank), the system uses the Duplicate Invoice Number Edit setting from the Accounts Payable constants. In this case, when you enter a duplicate number for the invoice, the system returns an error when the detail area of the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form is loaded.

If you receive this error, change the legal number to one that is not a duplicate so that you can continue with voucher creation.