Contractor Withholding (Release 9.2 Update)

Contractor Withholding

Specify how the system accumulates contractor withholding for suppliers. Values are:

1: Accumulate contractor withholding across all suppliers by related companies. When you select this option, the system combines the contractor withholding for a parent company and a child company for an annual year. This value is populated under the parent company in the F76A430 table.

Blank: Disable the contractor withholding accumulation across all suppliers. When you select this value, the system accumulates contractor withholding based on the values for the processing options under the General tab of the PCG Process - ARG program (P76A570).

Important: If you enter the value for the processing option as 1, you must set up the parent/child relationship for the companies in the Structure Revisions program (P0150). See Setting Up Parent/Child Relationships and Organizational Structures for more information.

You must not change the values for the processing options, for a set of related companies, in the middle of an annual year. If you make a change in the middle of an annual year, the system will not accumulate contractor withholding for all the payments across all suppliers for related companies.