Batch and Document Status

When you create and process print batches, the system assigns a batch status to identify the current status:

  • O: Open

    The print batch has been created, but legal numbers have not been assigned to the batch. The system also assigns this status to print batches for which legal numbers have been renumbered.

  • U: Use

    Legal numbers are in the process of being assigned to the print batch.

  • N: Numbered

    Legal numbers are assigned to invoices in the print batch. To print legal documents in a print batch, the print batch must be at this status.

  • P: In Process

    The print batch is being updated. For example, legal documents in the print batch are being printed.

  • C: Closed

    Legal documents are printed for the batch.

The system also assigns document statuses to invoices in print batches:

  • A: Open

    The invoice has not been processed. The print batch status is O.

  • N: Numbered

    The invoice has been assigned a legal number. The print batch status is N.

  • P: Processed

    The invoice has been printed. The print batch status is C.

  • R: Renumbered

    The invoice legal number has been renumbered. The print batch status is O.

  • E: Error

    The invoice has an error.