Printer Setup

Access the Details tab on the Printer Setup form.

Printer Setup Form - Details Tab.
Printer Definition Language

Select the name of the PDL used by the defined printer. When the PostScript or PCL options are selected, the system disables the Line Printer option.

Multiple PDLs can be selected, but only one can be defined as the default. The PDL can be overridden when batch versions are submitted.

Important: The custom option uses an advanced feature of P98616. Only users with knowledge of building parameter strings for printers should use this option.
Maximum Number of Paper Sources

Enter the maximum number of paper trays available on the defined printer. This field is available only when PostScript or Custom PDL is selected.

Default Paper Source

Enter the output tray to be used for a specific batch job. This field is available only when PostScript or Custom PDL is selected.

Characters per Inch

Enter the number of characters per horizontal inch supported by the defined printer. This field is only available when the Line Printer PDL is selected. For an 8 1/2 x 11 inch page the characters per inch value is 10.

Columns per Page

Enter the number of columns per page supported by the defined printer. This field is only available when the Line Printer PDL is selected. For an 8 1/2 x 11 inch page the columns per page value is 85.

Line per Inch

Enter the number of lines per inch supported by the defined printer. This field is only available when the Line Printer PDL is selected. For an 8 1/2 x 11 inch page the lines per inch value is 6.

Line per Page

Enter the number of lines per page supported by the defined printer. This field is only available when the Line Printer PDL is selected. For an 8 1/2 x 11 inch page the lines per page value is 66.

Printer Paper Width

Displays the paper width based on the value that you enter in the Columns per Page field. This field is populated by the system and only appears when the Line Printer PDL is selected.

Printer Paper Height

Displays the paper height based on the value that you enter in the Line per Inch field. This field is populated by the system and only appears when the Line Printer PDL is selected.