Understanding Status Codes for PCOs

You can create a PCO by accessing the Planned Change Order Entry program (P5314) or by using the Create PCO option on the Form menu on the Change Request Entry form.

When you create a PCO from Planned Change Order Entry program, you must assign to the PCO a status code other than the status code that indicates that the PCO is approved. You can only assign a status code that indicates that the PCO is approved when you modify the PCO.

When you create a PCO from the Change Request Entry form, the system automatically assigns to the new PCO the status code that indicates that the PCO is submitted.

You define the status code that means that the PCO is approved in Planned Change Order Status Setup. You then specify in a processing option that the system use that status code for approvals.

Note: After you update a PCO to the approved status, the only change you can make to the PCO is to close it. You cannot attach additional change requests or change any header information.