Using Hierarchy Detail Levels

The decision to use a high level of detail or a low level of detail might depend on the number of jobs or the number of changes that you need to track. Before you decide how to organize the change requests, you should also understand how the Global Status Update program works. Because the Global Status Update program enables you to move groups of accounts on a change request through the approval process, how you group the change requests might affect how you use the Global Status Update program.

See Understanding Global Status Updates.

This table lists some of the benefits and drawbacks of each level:

Detail Level

Benefits and Drawbacks

High-detail level

Benefits include:

  • All line items are very closely related.

  • It might be easier to use the Global Status Update program as all of the line items are closely related.

  • PCO reports display totals for all change requests attached to the PCO.

Drawbacks include that you must review many change requests to find the one with the line items that you need.

Low-detail level

Benefits include:

  • Fewer change requests.

  • If all lines and accounts on the change request move through the approval process at the same time, you can save time by using the Global Status Update program to change them to the next status.

Drawbacks include:

  • Many line items on each change request.

  • Sorting through line items might be difficult.

  • When using the Global Status Update program when accounts on a change request do not move through the approval process as a group, you must be careful not to change detail status codes that you do not want to change.