Creating Sales Orders for Style Items

Access the Order Header Revisions form.

To create sales orders for style items:

  1. Complete the required fields for the order header and any other information that you want to add.

    See "Entering Sales Orders for Customer Service Representatives" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

  2. On the Style tab, if you are using a collection with your order, complete the following fields:

    • Collection

      Enter a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the same time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You must enter a value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).

      If you use the Visual Assist to select a collection, the remaining field values are automatically populated based on that collection.

    • Season Code

      Enter a code that specifies the season for which the collection is being manufactured.

    • Season Year

      Enter a code that specifies the year of manufacture for the collection.

    • Price Effective Date

      Enter a date that determines the applicable price for the collection.

    Note: You must enter a valid combination of collection, season code, and season year or the system displays an error. Also, if the Validate Items Against Collection processing option for Sales Order Entry (P4210) is set to 1 or 2, then the Collection field becomes a required field, and the system displays an error if you leave it blank.

    See Prerequisites.

  3. Click Save and Continue.

  4. On the Enter New Order form, enter the style item information, such as the quantity and item number, on the first line and then exit the row.

    You can also just enter the style item number and wait to enter the quantities on the Matrix Entry form.

    When you exit the row, the Matrix Entry form appears.

    Note: You can enter the style item root level 0 in the Item Number column or be as specific as you want. For example, you could enter JEAN and Matrix Entry displays all of the colors and sizes of jeans. Or, you could enter JEAN.BLK and Matrix Entry displays all of the sizes for black jeans.
    Note: If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system is integrated with the Composite Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item. To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability subform.

    Instead of a style item number, you can also enter a collection template name in the Item Number column. The appropriate symbol must precede the collection template for the system to recognize it. This symbol is specified in the Prefix for Collection Templates processing option for the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).

    If you enter a collection template in the Item Number column, then the system retrieves all of the style items associated with that collection template and automatically populate the lines in the Matrix Entry form with those items.

    See Prerequisites.

  5. Enter the quantity you want to order for each of the child style items in the appropriate columns.

    If the processing option for Matrix Entry is set to automatically split quantities, then the quantities are already entered for each child style item. The system splits the quantities according to the size split set up for the matrix grid used by that particular style item or customer. You can manually override these quantities if the processing option in Matrix Entry is set to allow an override.

    See Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10).

    See Defining a Size Split.

    Note: If you enter a quantity on the Enter New Order form, the Total Original Quantity field at the bottom of the form displays the original quantity that you entered on the sales order line. The Total Selected Quantities field reflects the total quantities that you entered in Matrix Entry. Use these fields to ensure that you are maintaining the original quantity entered. If the Total Selected Quantities value is not equal to the Total Original Quantity value, then the system displays an error when you attempt to create the order.
    Note: The system displays the Omit Zero Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) as Y.If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not display that row.If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.
  6. After you enter all of your desired quantities, click OK.

    The system adds new lines to the sales order to reflect the quantities ordered for each child style item.

  7. Review your sales order detail lines and click Submit and Enter New if you want to enter another order or click Submit and Close.

  8. To update an existing sales order, select Order, Style Matrix Entry from the Row menu.

    This option enables you to execute Matrix Entry so that you do not have to update the individual sales order detail lines.

    You can only modify the existing style end items on the order. Also, the system does not perform automatic size split or size weight for end style items based on the quantity from the Edit Sales Order form.

    Optional: You can also enter a reason for the update in the Reason Code field on the header of the Matrix Entry form. This reason code is saved on any sales order line that is cancelled through the Matrix Entry form. If the line is only changed, the reason code is not saved on the order line.

    Note: You cannot enter new style item lines when updating an existing sales order. Also, this option is disabled if you have audit logging enabled.