Business Process Flows

In a typical business, you generate purchase orders when you order goods from a supplier, and your supplier ships the goods to you. You create receipt records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system to log the receipt of the supplier shipments. Your supplier also sends you an invoice that generally includes the information about what was shipped and the cost to you for the goods shipped.

When you use the VMA process, you capture supplier invoice information and upload it to the Voucher Transaction - Batch Upload (F0411Z1) and Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation (F0411Z1T) tables. You can use a scanning process, a batch upload process, the Batch Voucher Upload program (P0411Z1), or other methods to populate the tables with the information required for the process. You then run the Voucher Match Automation Driver program (R4304010) manually, or run it from a scheduled job.

You must capture item information for the F0411Z1T table only when you set up the supplier master record to require item information for matching. If you do not require item information for matching, the VMA process will create the F0411Z1T table record as it attempts to create matches. However, Oracle recommends that you create a record in the F0411Z1T for all records in the F0411Z1 table prior to running the VMA process because doing so improves processing time.

This illustration shows how the voucher match automation process fits within the basic business flow of entering purchase orders, receipts, and invoices:

Process Flow A: VMA and Basic Business Flow

The Voucher Match Automation Driver program creates logged vouchers if you have set up the process to do so, and attempts to match invoice records in the F0411Z1 table to receipt records in the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311). If you run the process in final mode and the match is successful, the process updates the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411), Account Ledger (F0911), and F43121 tables. If you run the process in suggest mode and the system successfully processes the invoice lines, the system creates suggested matches between the invoice, receipt, and purchase order lines. You can review and manage the suggested matches in the Voucher Match Automation Process Workbench program (P4314WB). For both final and suggest modes, the process provides reports that show the matched or suggested records.

If you process records in final or suggest mode and the process cannot create a match or suggestion, the report includes a statement that a match was not found. You can check the Work Center for messages for warnings or errors that prevented the process from matching invoice lines to receipts and purchase orders.

The VMA process works as a continuous flow. If a valid record is not matched or suggested because no matching receipt was found, then the process attempts to match the invoice record to a receipt record, or create a suggestion, the next time you run the process. The valid invoice records are processed each time you run the process, unless:

  • You delete the record from the F0411Z1 and F0411Z1T tables using the Batch Voucher Revisions program (P0411Z1).

  • You change the invoice match status of the record to Manual Match.

    Changing the invoice match status to Manual Match removes the invoice line from the voucher match automation process. You can use the Voucher Match Process Workbench program (P4314WB) to change the status, and then use another program or process, such as the Voucher Match program (P4314), to complete the match.

    See Using the Voucher Match Process Workbench

  • The invoice match status is 1 (suggested) or 2 (rejected).

    If you want to complete matches for invoices with an invoice match status of 3 (approved) by running the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs, you set the Process Approved Suggestions processing option to do so.

This illustration shows the continuous flow that the VMA process uses to process records in the F0411Z1 table:

Process Flow B: VMA Continuous Process